We totally missed the mark this time, but we tried a new technique, so it's interesting - perhaps we are narrowing down what works and what doesn't.
This time, to try and connect with each other, we each looked at something meaningful that we'd given to each other as a way of trying to connect our energies before going into 'transmitting/receiving' mode. I looked at a picture that my friend had bought for me, that had been painted by her cousin, and she looked at a card I had made for her with a mandala on it. So we both meditated on these items for five minutes before we did the telepathy.
Our results were decidedly lacking. As the transmitter, I envisioned a cheque (for lots of money, which I am in the process of manifesting with the law of attraction which is a whole 'nother post, and no, I am not money driven, but I have come to believe that as all is one in this universe, God is present in everything 'man' has created and nothing is either bad or good. I have also realised that to ask is fine, as it is not taking from others, and that is when money is bad...). My friend didn't pick up on this at all.
She was picturing a lightbulb, and the closest I came could be considered interesting, or it could be clutching at straws. Who knows? You decide... But there was one point during the meditation when I saw a bright light in the corner of my vision, and I had an 'ah ha' moment - I thought I was about to get an image, but nothing came. I didn't write down light as I didn't realise that the light itself could have been the vision. Although, the slight catch is that, my friend was seeing a lightbulb on its own, not on! So yes, I may have been clutching at straws.
The only other thing I saw amongst several things that were totally wrong was a gun, which I wrote down despite the thought that there was no way my friend would choose that as her object, being a pacifist. It did turn out however that she'd walked past a gun shop that day (and living in the UK, I don't think I've ever seen one in my life - in fact, I've never seen a real gun or a real gun shop!!! Except maybe on some guards at an airport once...). So perhaps there were a couple of significant things...but not too much to shout about. I guess we're better at connecting in the head than with objects, which is funny, as 'psychics' often want something from the person to feel their energy, so I thought that looking at meaningul pictures would help the process. Interesting.

Another telepathy date...failure to connect