Firstly, let me start by saying welcome to our blog! I know there's not much here now but I promise this will be an involved and regularly updated little piece of spirituality, and I hope that it will become inspiring to all those who follow.
This came about as a result of an experiment that we have carried out today into telepathy. We have both been reading no end about the interconnected nature of the world, and about the idea of separateness being an illusion. I very much feel this is true, and, as two close friends who quite often have found we have picked up signs and omens for each other since becoming much more open to the world, it seemed like a good idea to test telepathy between the two of us.
So tonight, at 5pm, we both sat down in a quiet place, a hundred miles apart, and at first one of us focused on an object for 5 minutes, while the other sat and attempted to tune in and pick up on what it was. We then took a five minute break before switching round for the next five minutes.
Very excited phone calls followed and we were both holding off from saying what we'd picked up on, savouring the moment to see if we had really discovered anything. Well, we had both made a few notes and picked up on more than one thing, and on one side, with me as the 'transmittor', the closest we got was an image of nail varnish (I was imagining a paint pallette and paint brush). However, there were some interesting finds when the roles were reveresed. I had written down several thoughts, in the order: house, pen, book, cheese, tree, sky/birds/clouds. As I was reading them through over the phone, I said before I said tree that 'this is where I started to feel like it meant something', and funnily enough, tree was correct! Admittedly, I had gone on to imagine looking up, and picturing the sky with birds and clouds and, though the tree was still in this picture, I had been more sure of this being the correct answer. Looking back though, it was the moment that a tree popped into my head that I first felt I was onto something. To add to that, apparently my friend had been looking frantically for a pen beforehand, and the funny thing is, that we also both saw a block of cheese, both thinking that the other person might be picturing it!
So admittedly it's not full on scientific proof, but I certainly wouldn't discount it. We have another psychic date booked for Thursday so please feel free to follow and see what this one holds as we will certainly be blogging about the outcome!
I think there are a couple of things to come out of this: firstly, we have both been learning to listen to and really follow our intuition, and this provided a test of that. I know I may be trying to believe here, but I was interested that I felt that burst of intuition when I saw a tree, and yet when I went on to see the sky, I don't know if my rational mind had taken over to try and develop the thought. Also, we both found it hard to prepare and have planned to take 15 minutes before the next session to meditate and get into 'the zone', as we both were flustered at ten to five today trying to find pens/quiet spots etc so it wasn't the ideal situation for diving deep into the interconnected realm!
I'm looking forward to seeing what else comes of more tests, and we are hoping if we get enough followers, you could get involved and we could devise some worldwide experiments, so please, if you find this kind of thing interesting, help spread the word and get involved! We are open to exploring anything...
Take care, until next time x
