The first time we did this, I picked up what my friend was transmitting, but not the other way round, and again the results were the same way round this time. It seems that I am a born receiver and she is a born transmittor, but we certainly need to work on the reverse! When I was transmitting, I pictured a scarf, and she picked up three things: a washing machine, a pin and an armchair! Nothing but the most tenuous link to something textile related to report from that side.
But the other way around was VERY interesting. I saw so many things, I thought they couldn't possibly have come from my friend. It went through a list of images in this order: a circle, then I saw it emanating with lines from it like the sun, then I realised I was seeing a lollipop - the old-fashioned typed that is a flat circle with a big colourful spiral, Willy Wonka style, a rabbit, newspaper, boat - I was torn between a yacht or a galleon, a loaf of bread, a swing, a ladder, an orange and a tulip. As I read them out to my friend, we were totally gobsmacked. I thought maybe a couple might be relevant, but here's what she said about each item:
- Circle: she was seeing a mug, so I guess I got the shape right!
- Sun: nothing.
- Lollipop: this was the most amazing of them all. A friend had bought her an old style lollipop for her birthday, of the brightly coloured old fashioned spiral type, which she had eaten just half an hour before our telepathy date! The funny thing is, I'd been to visit at the weekend (before she'd been given the lollipop so I knew nothing of it) and a guy had given us a lollipop each, but it was the small round type. So if I was going to picture a lollipop, in connection with the two of us, I think if it had been conscious I would have pictured that type - there is no reason why the old type should have entered my head, and I even dismissed it at the time thinking there's no way she would pick that as her random object but the image was quite persistent so I made a note of it!
- Rabbit: she had actually seen a poster for a lost rabbit that day, and had pictured one but dismissed it as something I was transmitting. Since she received first, this means the rabbit had flashed into her mind during those previous five minutes before I then tried to pick up what she was focussing on.
- Newspaper: She had been reading through it for jobs and been sat at a table with the paper but I know this one could be coincidence.
- Boat: she had been to a harbour that day (she doesn't live by one).
- Bread: tenuous this one, she had eaten a roll!!
- Swing: She had walked past a park earlier.
- Ladder: That morning, her housemate had had the ladder out to get into the loft.
- Orange: Nothing.
- Tulip: She had been sat opposite a flower shop that day but hadn't noticed tulips in particular.
It makes me question exactly what is going on here - whether it's telepathy or some kind of tuning in to the energy or the memory of the day. I feel like we're learning more every time we do it though, and I'm finding it so exciting. It certainly confirms for me my feeling of interconnectedness.